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Using extensions with the RxSwift Map Operator

Map Operator - Extensions

RxSwift: Extensions with Map Operator

Check out my Map Operator post for an overview of the map operator.

A more complex example of the map operator could be mapping a list of results to a row for a table view.

Example 1: Stream of results

Observable.of("James Forrest", "Scott Brown", "Ryan Christie")
            .map { return ProofCell.Data(title: $0) }
            .map { proofCellDataResponse -> [ProofRow] in
                return{ proofCellData -> ProofRow in
                    return ProofRow.proof(data: proofCellData)
            .subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] sections in
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)

A nicer way to do this, so we move the nested mapping logic out of the closure would be to create an extension on the ObserablveType where our type is equal to the type that we are expecting to receive:

extension ObservableType where E == [ProofCell.Data] {
    fileprivate func mapToRows() -> Observable<[ProofRow]> {
        return map { proofCellDataResponse -> [ProofRow] in
            return{ proofCellData -> ProofRow in
                return ProofRow.proof(data: proofCellData)

This makes our call site clean allowing us just to call mapToRows:

Observable.of("James Forrest", "Scott Brown", "Ryan Christie")
            .map { return ProofCell.Data(title: $0) }
            .subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] sections in
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)

Example 2: Array of results

Another example where say we received just an array of results could be:

Observable<[String]>.just(["James Forrest", "Scott Brown"])
            .map { stringArrayResponse -> [ProofRow] in
      { stringItem -> ProofRow in
                    let data = ProofCell.Data(title: stringItem)
                    return ProofRow.proof(data: data)
            .subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] sections in
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)

Again we can extract this mapping logic out into an extension:

extension ObservableType where E == [String] {
    fileprivate func mapToRows() -> Observable<[ProofRow]> {
        return map { proofCellDataResponse -> [ProofRow] in
            return{ proofCellData -> ProofRow in
                let data = ProofCell.Data(title: proofCellData)
                return ProofRow.proof(data: data)

Which leaves the call site clean once again:

Observable<[String]>.just(["James Forrest", "Scott Brown"])
            .subscribe(onNext: { [weak self] sections in
            .disposed(by: disposeBag)

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